Campaign Finance
“Donations and Dollars: Characterizing the Policy Views of Donors and the Affluent”
forthcoming, Journal of Politics, with Brandice Canes-Wrone, Greg Huber, and Josh Clinton
forthcoming, Public Opinion Quarterly, with Brandice Canes-Wrone, Greg Huber, and Josh Clinton
“Comparing Campaign Finance and Vote Based Measures of Ideology”
Journal of Politics, 2022. Vol 84: No. 1
"Campaign Contributions and Donors’ Policy Agreement with Presidential Candidates"
Presidential Studies Quarterly, Vol. 49, No. 4: pp. 770-797, with Brandice Canes-Wrone and Sharece Thrower
"Issue Politicization and Interest Group Campaign Contribution Strategies"
Journal of Politics, 2020. Vol. 82: No. 3, pp. 1008-1025, with Mandi Eatough
"Ideologically Sophisticated Donors: What Motivates Individual Campaign Contributors?"
American Journal of Political Science, 2017. Vol. 61: No. 2, pp. 271-288, with Brandice Canes-Wrone and Sharece Thrower
"Gender Inequalities in Campaign Finance: A Regression Discontinuity Design"
Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 2016. Vol. 11: No. 2, pp. 219-248, with Jessica Preece and Daniel Butler
Supplemental Materials, Coverage:
"Representing the Preferences of Donors, Partisans, and Voters in the U.S. Senate"
Public Opinion Quarterly, 2016. Vol. 80: pp. 225-249
Supplemental Material, Coverage: Salon, Al Jazeera America
"Donation Motivations: Testing Theories of Access and Ideology"
Political Research Quarterly, 2016. Vol. 69: No. 1, pp. 148-159
"Ideological Donors, Contribution Limits, and the Polarization of State Legislatures"
Journal of Politics, 2016. Vol. 78: No. 1, pp. 296-310
Supplemental Materials, Coverage: New York Times, Washington Post
Partisanship and Ideology
“Illiberal Attitudes among US State Legislative Candidates”
Nature Humanities and Social Science Communications, 11, no. 1 (2024): 1-9, with Hans Hassell and Michael Miller
“Does Issue Importance Attenuate Partisan Cue-Taking?”
Political Science Research and Methods (2024), with Jeremy Pope
“The Crucial Role of Race in Twenty-First Century US Political Realignment”
Public Opinion Quarterly (2024), with Jeremy Pope
“Misclassification and Bias in Predictions of Individual Ethnicity from Administrative Records”
American Political Science Review (2023), with Lisa Argyle
"Partisanship and The Trolley Problem"
Research & Politics (2022), with Ryan Davis
“Groups, Behaviors, and Issues as Cues of Partisan Attachments in the Public”
American Politics Research (2022), with Jeremy Pope
"The Participatory and Partisan Impacts of Mandatory Vote-by-Mail”
Science Advances, 2020. Vol. 6, no. 35, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abc7685, with John Holbein
"Conservatism In the Era of Trump"
Perspectives on Politics, 2019, 17 (3), 719-736, with Jeremy Pope
"Does Party Trump Ideology? Disentangling Party and Ideology in America"
American Political Science Review, 2019, 113 (1), 38-54, with Jeremy Pope
Coverage: New York Times, NPR, Vox (see 2nd, 3rd follow-up articles)
"Who is Ideological? Measuring Ideological Consistency in the American Public"
The Forum, 2018, 16 (1): 97-122, with Jeremy Pope
Polarization and Legislative Activity
“City-State Ideological Incongruence and Municipal Preemption”
American Journal of Political Science (2021), with Adam Dynes
"Legislative Constraints on Executive Unilateralism in Separation of Powers Systems"
Legislative Studies Quarterly, 2019, 44 (3), 515-548, with Alex Bolton and Sharece Thrower
"Electoral Competitiveness and Legislative Productivity"
American Politics Research 2019, 47 (4), 683–708, with Soren Schmidt
Coverage: USApp-American Politics and Policy Blog
"Causes and Consequences of Political Polarization," in Negotiating Agreement in Politics, with Nolan McCarty
Reprinted in Solutions to Political Polarization in America. 2015. Cambridge University Press. Nate Persily, ed.
Reprinted in Political Negotiation: A Handbook. 2015. Brookings Institution Press. Jane Mansbridge and Cathie Jo Martin, eds.
Coverage: CNN
Survey Design
"Status Quo Bias and Loss Aversion in Ballot Wording"
Journal of Experimental Political Science, 2017. Vol. 4: No. 2, pp 151-160, with David Gordon, Ryan Hill and Joe Price
"Online Polls and Registration Based Sampling: A New Method for Pre-Election Polling."
Political Analysis, 2014. Vol 22: No. 3, pp. 321-335, with Christopher Mann, Quin Monson, and Kelly Patterson
Other Published Work
PLOS ONE 17(6), with John Holbein
“A Revolution of Rights in American Founding Documents”
Journal of Political Institutions and Political Economy, Vol 3: No. 2: 124-148, with Scott Abramson and Jeremy Pope
"The Evolution of National Constitutions"
Quarterly Journal of Political Science 2019, Vol. 14: No. 1: 89-114, with Scott Abramson
“The Policy Preferences of Donors and Voters” (under review)
“Super PAC contributions in Congressional Elections”
"Estimating Neighborhood Effects on Turnout from Geocoded Voter Registration Records."
with Kosuke Imai
"Preferences for Representational Styles in the American Public"
with Adam Dynes and Ryan Davis