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wednesday, august 30, 2023 (All events in Room TBD)

8:30 - 9:00am welcome and housekeeping

panel 1: Campaign contributions


Support and Preference for Grassroots Fundraising

Authors: Silvia Kim and Yimeng Li

Discussant: Rachel Yu

The Super-Rich and the Rest: Campaign Finance Permissiveness and the Wealth of Politicians

Authors: Lucia Motolinia, Marko Klasnja, and Simon Weschle

Discussant: Rachel Porter

10:30 - 11:00

coffee break

PANEL 2: Business interests

11:00 - 12:30

Revolvers in the Corporate Elite

Authors: Benjamin Egerod, Michael Müller, and Jan Stuckatz

Discussant: Rahel Freiburghaus

Risk and Roll Calls: How Legislators' Personal Finances Shape Congressional Decisions

Authors: Christian Grose and Jordan Peterson

Discussant: Simon Weschle

lunch break

12:30 - 1:30

panel 3: Lobbying

Lobbying as Insurance Against Policy Uncertainty: Evidence from Financial Markets

Authors: Kristy Buzard, Nathan Canen, and Sebastian Saiegh

Discussant: Keith Schnakenburg

(When) are lobbying expenditures a good proxy for lobbying activity?

Authors: Sebastian Thieme

Discussant: Alice Malmberg

1:30 - 3:00

coffee break

3:00 - 3:30

panel 4: Organized interests

Holding on to High Cotton: How Narrow Economic Interests Resist Policy Retrenchment

Author: Jake Jares

Discussant: Marko Klasnja

Teaming Up across Political Divides: Evidence from Climate Regulations

Author: Dahyun Choi

Discussant: Giulia Leila Travaglini

Campaign Agendas and Issue Group Strategy in Congressional Primaries

Author: Mellissa Meisels

Discussant: Sean Kates

3:30 - 5:45


Dinner at Manuela

5:45 - 6:30

6:30 - 8:00